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How far is Ninh Binh from Hanoi? Which is the shortest route to choose?

22/01/2024 5.556

If you are wondering “How far is Ninh Binh from Hanoi?", read on to discover the distance, travel time, and various transportation options available to explore the captivating city of Ninh Binh.

How far is Ninh Binh from Hanoi

"How far is Ninh Binh from Hanoi?" is a popular question among tourists exploring Northern Vietnam. Both Hanoi and Ninh Binh are tourist destinations in the region, each offering unique attractions and experiences. The relatively short distance between these two cities makes it convenient for travelers to include both Hanoi and Ninh Binh in their itinerary.

1. How far is Ninh Binh from Hanoi? How long does it take to travel?

Ninh Binh, a captivating tourist destination in Northern Vietnam, is approximately 100 kilometers (about 62 miles) south of Hanoi's city center. The journey from Hanoi to Ninh Binh can be covered in around 1 hour and 40 minutes by car or 2 hours and 30 minutes by motorbike.

How far is Ninh Binh from Hanoi

>>> Plan your Ninh Binh day trip from Hanoi in advance for the best experiences! 

2. The distance from Hanoi to Ninh Binh tourist attractions

Ninh Binh boasts numerous famous landmarks and breathtaking landscapes, including Hoa Lu Ancient Capital, the picturesque complex of Tam Coc - Bich Dong, and the majestic natural scenery of Trang An. Additionally, Ninh Binh offers various spiritual attractions like Bai Dinh Pagoda, Bich Dong Pagoda, and Phat Diem Cathedral. 

If you wish to know how far is Ninh Binh from Hanoi regarding these attractions, check the table below and plan your Hanoi to Ninh Binh travel accordingly.

DestinationDistance from Hanoi
Trang An90 kilometers
Tam Coc100 kilometers
Bai Dinh Pagoda95 kilometers
Bich Dong Pagoda105 kilometers
Hoa Lu Ancient Capital91 kilometers
Tuyet Tinh Coc92 kilometers
Van Long Wetland Nature Reserve86 kilometers
How far is Ninh Binh from Hanoi

>>> Consider the Hanoi to Ninh Binh train if you want to fill your trip with Vietnam’s unique landscapes!

3. The most time-saving route to get to Ninh Binh from Hanoi

The answer to the question of how far is Ninh Binh from Hanoi also depends on the route you choose. Some routes that travelers can take to reach Ninh Binh from Hanoi are:

  • Hanoi - Ninh Binh Expressway: Start from Hanoi’s city center and head towards Giap Bat Bus Station. Turn left at the Phap Van Intersection and follow the signs onto Hanoi - Ninh Binh Expressway. Go along until you reach Ninh Binh City. Note that this is a tolled expressway.
  • National Road 1A: From Hanoi’s city center, also head towards Giap Bat Bus Station. Instead of making a turn at the Phap Van Intersection, go straight through Thuong Tin District and continue onto National Road 1A. Keep going straight until you reach Ninh Binh City.

The expressway is the shorter route, but is for cars only. Although National Road 1A is the longer route, it can be taken on motorbikes. 

If you don’t want to drive, you can take a shuttle bus at Giap Bat Bus Station, with fares ranging from 80,000 to 100,000 VND. For a more comfortable option, you can take a limousine van instead, with fares ranging from 165,000 to 250,000 VND. 

Another exciting and relaxing way to enjoy the scenery of Vietnam is to travel by train. Train ticket prices from Hanoi to Ninh Binh range from 71,000 to 108,000 VND per ticket.

How far is Ninh Binh from Hanoi

>>> Explore the things to do in Ninh Binh and get ready for an amazing adventure!

Vietnam has so many exciting travel destinations to visit and cultural experiences to explore. In addition to Ninh Binh, travelers can consider other Vietnam travel destinations, such as Phu Quoc, Nha Trang, Hoi An, Da Nang, and Ha Long.

If you are looking for a relaxing and comfortable stay in these destinations, Vinpearl is a top choice for accommodation. As a prestigious hospitality brand in Vietnam, Vinpearl is known for providing luxurious and indulgent experiences. With a range of top-notch resorts and hotels, Vinpearl offers travelers the perfect comfort, world-class amenities, and breathtaking surroundings for an unforgettable stay.

While staying at Vinpearl, make sure not to miss the opportunity to explore VinWonders, an exciting chain of entertainment complexes that offer thrilling rides, captivating shows, and fun-filled activities for visitors of all ages.

How far is Ninh Binh from Hanoi

>>> Book rooms in Vinpearl Phu Quoc, Vinpearl Nha Trang, Vinpearl Resort & Golf Nam Hoi An, Vinpearl Resort & Spa Ha Long in advance for a flawless stay!

Traveling from Hanoi to Ninh Binh offers an enticing journey through the scenic beauty of Northern Vietnam. Ninh Binh's renowned landmarks and captivating landscapes await, regardless of the route you choose to reach here. Hopefully, this article will help you answer your question of how far is Ninh Binh from Hanoi and have a great trip! 

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