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Vietnamese avocado: Explore its varieties and culinary uses

31/12/2023 6.354

Vietnamese avocado, known for its creamy texture and rich flavor, is a culinary delight in various dishes. This fruit stands out as a versatile ingredient, elevating sweet and savory recipes with its unique taste and nutritional benefits.

Vietnamese avocado

Nestled in the heart of Southeast Asia, Vietnam beckons travelers with its lush landscapes, rich history, and, of course, a tempting array of tropical fruits. The Vietnamese avocado stands out, offering a delightful fusion of creamy texture and exquisite taste. Scroll down to embark on an enchanting Vietnam travel journey, exploring the delectable flavor of Vietnamese avocado.

1. An overview of Vietnamese avocado

1.1. Areas with Vietnamese avocado tree cultivation

Vietnamese avocados, characterized by their high economic value, are predominantly grown in the provinces of the Central Highlands, encompassing Lam Dong, Dak Lak, Dak Nong, Gia Lai, and Kon Tum. The avocado season peaks during the summer, prompting farmers to progressively enlarge their cultivation areas.

Vietnamese avocado

1.2. Varieties of Vietnamese avocado

Vietnam is home to several varieties of avocados, each with its own unique characteristics. Some of the notable varieties of Vietnamese avocados include:

  • 034 avocado: The Avocado 034 boasts an elongated, pear-like shape. Its thin, shiny green skin houses a creamy, fatty, and occasionally seedless flesh. 
  • Booth avocado: Booth Avocado has a visually appealing, round shape; each fruit weighs between 400 and 700 grams. The avocados feature thick, tight skin and creamy, deep yellow flesh with a mild aroma. 
  • Nam Long avocado: Originating from Dong Nai province, these Vietnamese avocados are harvested from April to August. They are characterized by a smooth, shiny green skin and a buttery, golden, slightly sweet flesh with large seeds.
  • Hass avocado: Characterized by a thick, tough, dark green skin with a slightly rough surface, these Vietnamese avocados house a creamy, yellowish flesh with a distinct hazelnut aroma. The average weight ranges from 200 to 400 grams.
  • Quoc Minh avocado: Commonly grown in Dong Nai and classified as a buttery avocado, Quoc Minh Avocado presents a slender shape with thick, glossy skin. This Vietnamese avocado features a fragrant and mildly sweet taste.
  • Trinh Muoi avocado: Renowned in the Tay Nguyen and Dong Thap regions, Trinh Muoi Vietnamese Avocado showcases a thin, glossy green skin with faint white stripes. The thick, soft, buttery flesh carries a unique fragrance.
  • Ma Duong avocado: With a relatively large size ranging from 400 to 800 grams, these avocados feature a deep yellow, moderately fatty, and non-fibrous flesh.
  • Dak Lak avocado: Exhibiting a thin but slightly tough, dark green skin, these Vietnamese avocados house a pale yellow, soft, buttery flesh with a rich and creamy taste.
  • Tu Quy avocado: Also known as the "off-season" avocado, Tu Quy Avocado is extensively grown in the Central Highlands provinces, originating from Dak Lak. Featuring elongated fruits resembling pears, tapering at the stem, each fruit weighs 500 grams and 1 kilogram. 
Vietnamese avocado

1.3. Health benefits of Vietnamese avocado

Vietnamese avocados are a nutritional treasure, boasting vitamins C, E, K, and B6 and essential minerals like magnesium and potassium. Despite their calorie density, the monounsaturated fats in avocados aid weight management by inducing a sense of fullness and curbing appetite. 

Moreover, Vietnamese avocados exhibit cancer-preventive properties, particularly when combined with other colorful fruits and vegetables. They support blood pressure regulation due to their potassium content, ensuring cardiovascular well-being. 

Vietnamese avocados supply crucial folate and folic acid for pregnant women, supporting fetal brain development and overall maternal health. Beyond physical health, avocados contribute to mental well-being, with their potassium and folic acid content potentially alleviating symptoms of depression. 

Vietnamese avocado

>>> Find out more: Vietnamese fruits: Top 21 fruits to feast your palate

2. The average price of Vietnamese avocado

The price of Vietnamese avocados is subject to fluctuations based on factors such as avocado variety, season, and the specific region of purchase. Likewise, the pricing dynamics within Vietnam's avocado market exhibit variations across the avocado season. Generally, mid-season Vietnamese avocados are priced between 25,000 and 30,000 VND per kilogram, particularly the Booth variety.

Avocado lovers may find reasonably priced, high-quality avocados in avocado-growing parts like Dak Lak and Dong Nai. However, prices tend to rise when avocados are transported to urban centers like Hanoi, which is attributable to increased transportation expenses.

*The provided avocado price information is for reference only and subject to changes based on market dynamics.

>>> Read more: Vietnamese desserts: TOP 10 must-try sweet treats

3. Things to know about Vietnamese avocado in the cuisine

As a versatile ingredient, Vietnamese avocados are celebrated in the culinary scene, blending seamlessly into sweet and savory recipes, offering a delightful fusion of taste and nutrition.

3.1. Vietnamese avocado smoothie

With its velvety texture and rich, creamy, aromatic taste, the Vietnamese avocado smoothie stands out as one of the most renowned desserts among Vietnamese smoothies. Scroll down for an easy-to-prepare Vietnamese avocado smoothie recipe.


  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 20 ml condensed milk
  • 50 ml fresh milk
  • Small ice cubes

Instructions on how to make a Vietnamese avocado smoothie: 

  • Step 1: Prepare the ingredients
    • Cut the avocado in half lengthwise, remove the seed, and peel off the skin covering the source.
    • Use a knife to create cross-hatch cuts on the avocado flesh, then scoop it into a bowl, leaving the skin behind.
  • Step 2: Blend the avocado smoothie
    • Place the avocado, condensed milk, fresh milk, and ice cubes into a blender and blend until smooth.
    • If you prefer a sweeter taste, adjust by adding more condensed milk. 

Feel free to be creative and experiment by incorporating bananas, mangoes, or other fruits to enhance the flavor of your Vietnamese avocado smoothie.

Vietnamese avocado

3.2. Vietnamese avocado ice cream

Besides avocado smoothies, Vietnamese avocado ice cream is also a dessert loved by many for its addictive taste and texture. It is best enjoyed on a hot summer day and is one of the best cooling treats. Let’s go through the ingredients and simple steps on how to make avocado ice cream:


  • 3 ripe avocados
  • 3 tbsp coconut water
  • 150 ml fresh milk
  • 190g condensed milk
  • 200 ml whipping cream
  • 1 tbsp sugar


  • Step 1: Prepare the avocados
    • Wash avocados thoroughly, cut them in half, remove the seeds, and scoop the avocado flesh into a bowl.
  • Step 2: Blend the avocados
    • Add all the avocado, coconut water, fresh milk, and condensed milk to the blender. Cover and blend for 5 minutes until the mixture becomes smooth.
  • Step 3: Prepare the cream mixture
    • In a dry, clean bowl, whisk together whipping cream and sugar until it forms a soft peak. 
    • Then, incorporate the blended avocado mixture into the whipped cream, gently folding from the bottom to the top until well combined.
  • Step 4: Pour into molds
    • Pour the avocado cream mixture into ice cream molds, spreading it evenly. Finally, seal the molds and place them in the freezer, allowing them to freeze for 6-8 hours.
    • Before serving, let the ice cream sit for 10 minutes to soften, then use a scoop to serve each avocado ice cream. 
Vietnamese avocado

3.3. Vietnamese avocado salad with shrimp

Avocados are not only popular in desserts; they are also a delectable addition to savory creations, offering richness and creaminess to elevate many dishes. Check out how to make Vietnamese avocado salad with shrimp:


  • 200g fresh shrimp
  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 3-4 small tomatoes
  • 1 corn cob
  • 80g snow peas
  • 6 lettuce leaves
  • 1 cup unsweetened yogurt, 1 cup mayonnaise
  • Spices: chili powder, salt


  • Step 1: Prepare the ingredients
    • Begin by washing the lettuce and tomatoes, then cut the tomatoes into wedges. 
    • Peel and dice the avocado. 
    • Clean the shrimp, peel them, and boil until cooked. 
    • Remove the corn kernels from the cob, and cut the snow peas into short pieces, then simmer and drain.
  • Step 2: Make the salad dressing
    • Mix half a tablespoon of mayonnaise, 1 tablespoon of unsweetened yogurt, 1 teaspoon of chili powder, and a pinch of salt. Stir well to combine.
  • Step 3: Mix the salad and finish
    • Add the shrimp, tomatoes, corn, snow peas, avocado, and lettuce in a large bowl or platter. Pour the dressing over the ingredients and toss everything together.

Enjoy this fresh and delicious Vietnamese salad with perfectly cooked shrimp, sweet corn, and crisp snow peas, all complemented by the creamy avocado and tangy dressing. The combination of flavors creates a perfect harmony.

Vietnamese avocado

3.4. Vietnamese avocado sandwich

Even though avocado sandwiches are more commonly found in Western countries, they have gradually become a beloved addition to the Vietnamese food culture. 


  • 1 slice of bread (preferably whole wheat or dark bread for better weight control)
  • ½ ripe avocado
  • 1 egg
  • ½ lime (for lime juice)
  • Seasonings: olive oil, pepper, salt

How to make a Vietnamese avocado sandwich:

  • Step 1: Toast the bread and cook the fried egg
    • Start by heating a pan over low heat. Once hot, spread olive oil on the pan and toast the bread on both sides until it's warm and crispy. Next, cook a fried egg in olive oil.
  • Step 2: Prepare the avocado mixture
    • Add ½ teaspoon of salt, ½ teaspoon of lime juice, and ½ teaspoon of pepper. Mash and mix until the mixture is smooth and creamy.
  • Step 3: Assemble the sandwich
    • Spread the avocado mixture evenly on the bread. Place the fried egg on top, and you can garnish it for an excellent presentation.

With just a few simple steps, you will have a visually appealing and delicious avocado egg sandwich that is tasty and nutritious, ensuring a tasty Vietnamese food to start your day with energy.

Vietnamese avocado

3.5. Vietnamese avocado sauce


  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 4 tsp olive oil
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1.5 tbsp vinegar
  • 1/4 tsp pepper
  • 2 tsp salt

How to make Vietnamese avocado sauce:

  • Step 1: Prepare the ingredients
    • Peel the garlic, peel and pit the avocado, and cut it into bite-sized pieces.
  • Step 2: Mix the sauce
    • Place the garlic, avocado, and other ingredients into a blender. Blend until it is creamy.
    • Transfer the avocado sauce to a jar and store it in the refrigerator. It's recommended to use it within the same day. 

>>> Read more: Vietnamese fruit cake: Discover a sweet culinary delight

4. Tips for choosing and preserving Vietnamese avocado

Consider bringing Vietnamese avocados as a thoughtful gift, as you can handpick and store them using the following tips, ensuring freshness and quality.

It is recommended to purchase fresh avocados at local markets or supermarkets. While local markets may offer fresher produce at cheaper prices, the product information is not as well displayed and explicit as in supermarkets. Don’t forget to keep in mind these tips on how to choose good Vietnamese avocados:

  • Color: If you plan to eat the Vietnamese avocado soon, choose a darker one; if you intend to eat it in a few days, opt for a greener shade.
  • Touch: Hold the Vietnamese avocado in your palm and gently squeeze. A ripe Vietnamese avocado should yield slightly to gentle pressure but not be too soft or mushy.
  • Skin texture: The Vietnamese avocado skin can be slightly bumpy, but ensure there are no significant dents, which may indicate damage or bruising.

To best store and ripen avocados at home, follow this simple guide:

  • Keep unripe Vietnamese avocados in a paper bag, and they will ripen within 4-5 days. Consider placing them in a brown paper bag along with an apple or banana to expedite the ripening process. 
  • To store the remaining cut portion, ripen the avocado in the refrigerator and squeeze fresh lemon juice onto the exposed flesh to prevent browning. 
  • Wrap the avocado in plastic wrap or place it in an airtight container, ensuring it stays fresh for up to one day.
Vietnamese avocado

>>> Also check out: Vietnamese food souvenirs: The best from each region

Vietnamese avocados stand out for their delicious taste, creamy texture, and rich array of nutrients they offer. Whether enjoyed in traditional Vietnamese avocado smoothies, delightful desserts, or savory salads, the versatility of Vietnamese avocados makes them a culinary delight. Understanding the art of choosing, ripening, and storing avocados at home ensures you can savor their goodness at the peak of perfection.

For those passionate about food, Vietnam is a culinary paradise waiting to be uncovered. The country seamlessly weaves together diverse flavors found in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Phu Quoc, Nha Trang, Hoi An, Ha Long, etc., creating a tapestry of rich Vietnamese cuisine. 

When seeking accommodations in these cities, explore the offerings of Vinpearl hotels and resorts. Providing opulent rooms and top-tier facilities such as swimming pools, spas, gyms, restaurants, and bars, Vinpearl ensures a luxurious stay. Additionally, take the chance to explore VinWonders for a myriad of entertainment choices, ranging from exhilarating rides to vibrant shows.

Vietnamese avocado

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